All groups switch on main dashboard changed

The business logic of “All groups” switch in search bar was changed to “Including subgroups”, so if turned on, the server will return result from your current group and all subgroups in the group tree.

Planned outage

We will be upgrading our DB infrastructure that require an outage for maximum 1 hour. This upgrade will ensure better availability of data in the future. You can expect that the system will be unavailable on Sunday 28th from 8:30 – 9:30pm CET time. We apologise for this inconvenience.


The outage was 20 minutes, database is currently running is high availability cluster.

On screen notifications

For low severity events, you can now set an on screen notification:

and you will see it on device card:

Or in new Notification dashboard:

Notification dashboard

List all notifications from all devices in the group you have an access to:

Adeunis water leak detector support

Using the new feature of Message processing parameters, you can know use the same device type for different use cases. One example is Adeunis Dry Contact using a water leakage probe. If you set these message processing params:


you can connect Adeunis Water Leak Cable device and then you will get flood/dry status, you can set flood alerts, and see the chart with leakage statuses in time.


Set message processing parameters

Some devices are sending messages that do not include all information necessary to correctly process the payload. For example, the payload includes history of temperature measurements but does not include the frequency of measurements, so the server cannot calculate the correct timestamps for every temperature measurement.

With new release, you will be able to set message processing parameters required to correctly process data from device. Every device type may have different parameters to set. You will be able to update the set of message processing parameters for multiple devices in the current group in one step.

How to access the function:

Group Manager > Devices > More actions: Set processing parameters

You can load one or more examples or display complete JSON schema used for validation of entered parameters:

Set downlink for multiple devices in one step

You will be able to set a downlink for multiple devices in one step with next release. Go to Group management, select devices and choose Set Downlink:

Atlas WiFi location source

You will be able to distinguish between Atlas and Atlas Wifi location source in Device settings with next release:

This option enables you to show only the positions based on Atlas WiFi and ignore Atlas Network based positions.

Temperature periodic measurement on SimpleHW devices

we have improved parsing of Temperature periodic measurement with redundancy on SimplePack 3.0 and newer, SimpleIndustry, and SimpleMeter:

  • Data points are added based on sampling frequency and aggregation level
  • Aggregation level is not part of the payload, so it has to be set manually by support request. We need device ID and aggregation level. We will add UI later. 
  • Server is checking historical data based on sequence number and if missing, it will complete them from historical measurements included in the payload 
  • If the value is 0x00 or 0xFF, no temperature is added and the event is seen as Temperature reading error
  • If the aggregation is 3 for example, you will see 3 data points with same sequence number 
  • One message can generate up to 9 data points

Payload 01ba455a58585456585aFFff and aggregation level = 3 is being processed like this:

Hybrid Google maps view

Change map type to satellite view with street map over it on tracing dashboard.