Temperature periodic measurement on SimpleHW devices

we have improved parsing of Temperature periodic measurement with redundancy on SimplePack 3.0 and newer, SimpleIndustry, and SimpleMeter:

  • Data points are added based on sampling frequency and aggregation level
  • Aggregation level is not part of the payload, so it has to be set manually by support request. We need device ID and aggregation level. We will add UI later. 
  • Server is checking historical data based on sequence number and if missing, it will complete them from historical measurements included in the payload 
  • If the value is 0x00 or 0xFF, no temperature is added and the event is seen as Temperature reading error
  • If the aggregation is 3 for example, you will see 3 data points with same sequence number 
  • One message can generate up to 9 data points

Payload 01ba455a58585456585aFFff and aggregation level = 3 is being processed like this: