All groups switch on main dashboard changed
The business logic of “All groups” switch in search bar was changed to “Including subgroups”
This author has yet to write their bio.
Meanwhile lets just say that we are proud David contributed a whooping 226 entries.
The business logic of “All groups” switch in search bar was changed to “Including subgroups”
We will be upgrading our DB infrastructure that require an outage for maximum 1 hour.
For low severity events, you can now set an on screen notification
List all notifications from all devices in the group you have an access to
Using the new feature of Message processing parameters, you can know use the same device type for different use cases. One example is Adeunis Dry Contact using a water leakage probe. If you set these message processing params: you can connect Adeunis Water Leak Cable device and then you will get flood/dry status, you can […]
With new release, you will be able to set message processing parameters required to correctly process data from device.
You will be able to set a downlink for multiple devices in one step with next release.
You will be able to distinguish between Atlas and Atlas Wifi location source in Device settings with next release
we have improved parsing of Temperature periodic measurement with redundancy
Change map type to satellite view with street map over it on tracing dashboard.
Sigfrog s.r.o.
Novoveska 1487/35, 400 03
Ustí nad Labem, Czech Republic
ID: 07355131 | VAT: CZ07355131