Gas consumption with Codea GX-SG

Check your gas consumption with Codea GX-GS in your mobile app – see increments and total number of impulses.

Improved diagnostic dashboard

Polished column labels and added info about connectivity and platform expiration.

Improved device tiles in the main dashboard

You can now see the same message details in the web app, public app, Android app and iOS app dashboard. 

New tracing dashboard

Completely new Tracing dashboard was developed together with partner from Croatia to improve the support for various tracing use cases. You can easily find active, recently active, or inactive devices on the map, filter them by name, category, or geofence locaton, and then see detail tracing information.

Android app with map view

You can see all devices in one map and get a detail from there. Very convenient for tracing use cases.

Suntech ST730 support

Suntech ST730 – One of the most sophisticated GPS/WiFi tracker is now supported in IO Frog platform.

Thinxtra Xtrak support

Rugged GPS tracker from Thinxtra is now supported!

GEO fencing rules improved

To increase the flexibility for working with geo rules, we have moved definition of geo fencing rules from device level to user level.

  1. You can define different geo fencing rules in Profile > Geo rules
  2. Apply these rules for specific devices in device Settings > Geo rules
  3. Choose Arrival / Departure notification channels in Settings > Notifications

We have also improved the processing of geo rules, so now the rules reflect the preference of location source and add info about Departure/Arrival to message details.

Unfortunately, we were not able to transfer existing geo fencing rules you already had, so you need to set then again in a new structure. We do apologise for this inconvenience!

Mobile responsive

You can enjoy using the web app on mobile devices!

Public channel is mobile friendly

We have significantly improved the responsibility of public app on mobile devices.