Perform a full-text search to find the group, including all subgroups.

In Group Manager, you can now perform a full-text search to locate groups, including their subgroups, without the need to navigate through the entire tree.

Complete device operations from Group Manager

Tired of switching between Group Manager and Dashboards to manage your devices? From now on, you can access the same device operations directly in Group Manager!

Device deletion confirmation

To enhance safety, you now need to type “delete” to confirm and prevent unintended device removal.

More space in Group Manager

Hide the list of the groups to have more space for other features. Click on the “Groups” icon to hide or show the group list.

Pasted Graphic 1.png

Custom gauge thresholds

You can define custom thresholds on every device, so the gauge shows the colours based on your own settings.

New role – Device tenant

Highly requested feature from our white label partners. The user in Device tenant role will be able to register or extend devices using the coupons only. Such user will not see any price but can perform all device management tasks. This give our white label partners a big flexibility. Device tenants will also receive system notifications about non functioning devices or soon to expire devices. 

With this feature, all users with access right Device = full management will receive system notifications about devices that has not sent any message in last 7 days and all users with access right Connectivity = full management will receive system notifications about devices that are going to expire soon. Until now, these notifications were received only by the owners.

Delay in notifications

The new feature enables to trigger an alert only if conditions are unchanged for specified number of minutes.

For example if you want to have alert in case temp > 30°C but only in case it is > 30°C for more than 60 minutes, you set Delay = 60 minutes. If the temp goes down < 30°C in next 60 minutes, the alert will not be sent. 

You will find it under Delay option:


New features on Notification dashboard

Added new features:

  • Filter by day / month or time range
  • Export to CSV and Excel
  • Possibility to add a comment to every notification

Electricity consumption with SENSECOM-OMD-E

We have added a support for new electricity consumption monitoring device from SmartImp. SENSECOM-OMD-E is reading the registers directly from electricity meter via optical sensor. The installation is super easy, you just attach device via magnet and press one button. More information about device is available here.

Support in IO Frog:

IOTA CO2 support

Added support for new CO2 sensor from IOTA