Imeprial units
Now you can see a temperature in Fahrenheit or length in inches.
This author has yet to write their bio.
Meanwhile lets just say that we are proud David contributed a whooping 226 entries.
Now you can see a temperature in Fahrenheit or length in inches.
Completely redesigned iOS version with the new user interface, white-label possibilities, better stability…
The device intended for asset supervision, using internal sensors to monitor the temperature.
Measure the number of people using PiP PeopleSense device.
Measure ultrasonic and laster distance using PiP LevelSense device.
Example of DHW report from customer data – maximum CO2 in last 10 days with highlighted values between 600 – 800ppm and above 800ppm:
There will be a short outage on 2020/12/15 from 7pm GMT+1, expected time: 15-20 minutes. We will be upgrading our DB server to better HW, just to be ready for higher amount of incoming messages we process every day. Thank you for understanding.
With the great support of one of our customer from Nederland, we can gladly announce…
IO Frog added support for new device GL52S manafactured by QUECLINK.
We have added the possibility to export data from multiple devices to CSV. This feature can be found under…
Sigfrog s.r.o.
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Ustí nad Labem, Czech Republic
ID: 07355131 | VAT: CZ07355131