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Android native application available

Free native Android application available on Google Play. Free push notifications Device with the latest message on top Details, map, subscription, and message history Arm/disarm your device Enable/disable push, sms, and e-mail notifications

Facility management with SimplePack

Example of simple application monitoring several different objects like chair or coffee machine. Available as a public application at https://www.iofrog.com/monitorme, no login required!  

Map View

You have an option to display your devices in a map based on “home” position that you can set in device settings or based on last GEO location (if included in your connectivity contract). GEO location is a Sigfox service sending a calculated position of your devices using a signal strength. Position accuracy is usually […]

Zobrazení zařízení v mapě

Možnost zobrazit vaše zařízení v mapě dle „domácí“ pozice, kterou si zadáte ve vlastnostech zařízení nebo dle aktuální GEO lokace (pokud váš kontrakt obsahuje tuto službu). GEO lokace je služba Sigfox, která po každé zaslané zprávě posílá do IO Frog i vypočtenou pozici dle signálu z vysílačů. Přesnost GEO pozice je obvykle do 5km. Tato funkce […]