Siterwell Carbon Monoxide monitoring
Added support for GS816 from Siterwell
This author has yet to write their bio.
Meanwhile lets just say that we are proud David contributed a whooping 226 entries.
Added support for GS816 from Siterwell
Historie zpráv je nyní mnohem přehlednější.
The list of messages is now more readable with better UX!
Přidána podpora pro zařízení GS558D od Siterwell
Added support for device GS558D manufactured by SITERWELL
Pro partnerská řešení nyní nabízíme integraci on-line chatu dle vlastní preference.
We have added an option to integrate a chat window based on your preference to white label solution.
Pokud spravujete větší počet zařízení, nyní máte možnost je uspořádat do vlastních kategorií.
Having many devices? From now you can manage them in custom categories! Support in mobile apps will follow.
From now you can receive push notifications and check your devices via iOS native application available at App Store.
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